Information on energy efficiency 2024. 07.
- Energy
- Energy efficiency
Mandatory quality requirements for electricity supply met again in 2023
– The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Office (MEKH) has assessed the quality of
electricity supply to determine whether the electricity supply to
customers is at the expected level
– MEKH has issued a decision setting out the minimum and expected quality requirements for
services to be provided by electricity distribution network licensees and the
system operator , which
are subject to annual review by the Office.
– The 2023 summary reports of six distribution licensees (E.ON Dél-
dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt., MVM Démász Áramhálózati Kft., ELMŰ Hálózati
Kft., E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt., MVM Émász Áramhálózati Kft.,
OPUS TITÁSZ Áramhálózli Zrt.) and the transmission system operator MAVIR Zrt.
and the fulfilment of quality requirements.
– Last year, the distribution licensees met the mandatory
expectations without exception, and most of them fulfilled the
quality requirements for the average
frequency, average duration and outage indicators of unplanned
interruptions of electricity supply well above the expected level.
– The report notes, however, that several non-mandatory but expected
requirements, such as the frequency and average duration of unplanned
interruptions of more than 3 minutes, restoration within 6 hours
were met by only a proportion of licensees. These indicators characterise the frequency and duration of planned maintenance
work carried out by distribution
licensees on their networks, and therefore failure to meet the
expectations assigned to them (e.g. planned works (e.g. more frequent, longer) do not necessarily have a negative impact on
consumers, since they
are mainly intended to prevent unforeseen, unexpected short-term disruptions
or longer outages.
– None of the licensees has met the
expectations for the specific time required to resolve medium-voltage network outages. MEKH monitors the reasons for
non-compliance and the process improvement
measures taken by licensees, as evidenced by annual on-site inspections and
obtains further information, if necessary, in the framework of further consultation meetings
– MAVIR Zrt. the report concludes that the
TSO has continued to meet the minimum quality requirements for the operational safety of electricity transmission
in 2023, Therefore, the MEKH has notified the
licensee by 2023. adopted its annual report for the year.
Home renovation programme available from 1 July
– The Home Renovation Programme was launched on 1 July, with a longer maturity and
multiple activities.
– The Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of National Economy
emphasised in a joint statement that from 1 July, applications for
home renovation loans can be submitted at the MFB Pont Plus retail
network branches.
– Under the government’s decision, non-refundable subsidies and interest-free
loans can be applied for under even more favourable
conditions for the energy modernisation of family houses
that received a permit to enter into use before the end of 1990.
– The
amendments, based on a record number of comments received during the social consultation, make the programme more widely available, making it
even more in line with the needs of families planning to renovate their homes. Under the
home renovation programme, the government is providing a combination of interest-free loans and
non-repayable grants to help and encourage the energy modernisation of family
homes. With the EU funding of 108
billion HUF, it is estimated that around 20,000
residential buildings can be upgraded.
– At the request of many, including professional organisations, the installation of heat pump heating systems has been included in the
eligible activities. In addition to new,
modern, plastic-constructed windows and doors, the installation of wooden
windows and doors is also supported. In addition to EPS thermal insulation, rock wool
insulation is also included among the building materials supported.
– They highlighted that the main outcome criterion for the tender is to achieve 30 percent energy
savings. To this end, all applicants are encouraged to
consulting an adviser before applying for a loan. Specialists
can help plan the retrofit to ensure that the completed investment
meets the savings condition.
– The most important benefit of the improvements is that they significantly reduce the energy use of
assisted families. This will make it easier for winners
to keep their consumption below the band limit and to benefit even more
from the reduction in overheads. Lower
energy use will also enhance security of supply, reduce the
environmental burden on the energy sector and contribute to
meeting climate commitments.
– The home renovation programme could generate nearly HUF 130 billion in orders
in the construction and building materials trade, helping
to restart economic growth.
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